Join the Guild for a well-timed Online Forum

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eLearning Guild January 30th Online Forum
eLearning Guild January 30th Online Forum

Not only fast, cheap, and effective, but real skills that you can add to your resume.  Whether you are secure or a freelancer; you still need to push and add to your resume.

And maybe add a video of yourself (avatar anyway) to your portfolio?  Why not? Learn how with my session on Second Life.

If Microsoft hired some senior VP based on their high level in World of Warcraft, who knows what may happen if you display your new found skills online?

Don’t have your own URL.  Who needs one today (frankly, I love my URL – it ties to my grad degree – but I have all but given up on it’s email because of the incredible amount of spam one accumulates after 8 years and 20 other websites along the way).

Get a free blog site, create your own Ning network, or use visualCV.  Lots of excellent alternatives that are just as valid (imo).  So attend some sessions if you can, it’s a great way to network too!