Best laid plans . . .

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Dang, we so wanted a Kickstarter in May but life got in the way . . . a little bit.

Some health issues, starting a new role in my day job, and blah, blah, blah, have all given me an excuse to not be 100% on our next game.

But . . . we all have challenges in life and they’re the stuff that makes us all who we are.  =)

From Mint Tin Odyssey to Mint Tin Mineshaft to Mint Tin LUNASYR, you and I have been on a tiny roller coaster.

Mint Tin Odyssey will definitely happen – it’s a big project with tons of professional art and it’s both a game and a 100+ page printed book. The book is as big a project as the game and the entire project will be the biggest we’ve done – and it will happen, just a matter of time.

Mint Tin LUNASYR (loo-nuh-SEER) is almost complete, we have to do loads of documented play testing to tweak the scoring range. Right now it’s super low with scores like 4-5 and 4-6 – very Eurogame in nature. I’d like to get the range a bit higher like 8-9 and 8-10 for most games. The difference is a balance of event costs and a higher score will mean a few more transactions per game and allow for more strategy development during game play.

And we’re trying to get the Mint Tin LUNASYR to play in about 30 minutes.

It’s looking good and most of its art is done (including a retro aluminum space coin). *fingers crossed*

Thanks for all your encouragement and truly being awesome!  =)